By selecting this box, I give consent to the company Gh Real Estate s.r.o, Id. no. 291 39 643, with registered address Smrčkova 2485/4, Libeň, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic, recorded in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, inlay 203127, e-mail address: (hereinafter only as “Gh Real Estate s.r.o”) that acts as a controller of the personal data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation and Act on Processing Personal Data with processing my personal data that I have filled in the form above, as well as with my personal data acquired form manner in which I use web pages, namely with my IP address, for the purpose of processing a response to my request or query given in the form above, for the purpose of business and marketing communication, for statistical purposes and for evaluation of the manner of use of the web pages and for optimalization of its content for an indefinite time period. I am aware that my consent constitutes the legal basis for the processing of these personal data and that without presenting the data the controller could not process the response to my request or query filled in the form above and also the business and marketing communication between the controller and me could not take place.
I am aware that I have the right to withdraw the consent with the processing and storing the personal data, the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data, explanation of irregularities and information on the measures taken, right to restriction of processing, right to object against the processing or to request remedies and removal of the resulting state, right to data portability and right to o lodge a complaint with the Authority for Personal Data Protection. I am aware that the automated decision-making and the profiling do not take place when processing he personal data. The controller undertakes to dispose of the personal data in accordance with the legal provisions governing the personal data protection.
By selecting this box, I give consent to Gh Real Estate s.r.o to provide my personal data filled in the form as well as my personal data acquired form manner in which I use web pages to third persons but only for the purpose of processing the response to my request or query or to the business and marketing communication when the persons acquiring my personal data are the companies belonging to the GETBERG group of companies, namely its sister, parent or subsidiary companies. Gh Real Estate s.r.o shall not transfer the personal data to the third country or international organization.
By selecting this box, I give consent to Gh Real Estate s.r.o to receiving the business communication in electronic form on my e-mail filled in the form above in the sense of Act on Certain Services of the Information Society. Such business communication shall contain, in particular, the information on Realty and investment opportunities mediated by Gh Real Estate s.r.o This consent can be withdrawn any time, including the possibility to express the withdrawal in response to any business communication or to click the respective link in the ending of the business communication.
I have read and I am aware of the Statement on Personal Data Processing of Gh Real Estate s.r.o





GETBERG a Situace s COVID-19

Dění kolem koronaviru nás zasáhlo všechny a GETBERG není výjimkou. Bereme vážně opatření nařízená vládou, v kancelářích máme k dispozici dezinfekci, ale z preventivních důvodů se s vámi nyní osobně nepotkáme. Veškeré požadavky a náležitosti však dokážeme vyřídit online, případně za vámi můžeme poslat řidiče, který dokumenty doveze k vám i zpět.

Prodej nemovitostí se nezastavil. Naopak věříme, že i v této době je investice do bydlení dobrou volbou, která navíc může přinést zajímavé příležitosti.

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