Welcome to the GETBERG Client Zone

We’re here for you

At GETBERG, we want to provide our clients with a comprehensive service and support them on their way to a happy living. That’s why our Customer Care department is here to support you with any obstacle on this journey. The comfort and satisfaction of our clients is important to us. Therefore, if you have a question or message that you would like to share with us, please contact us.

How to proceed when reporting a defect?

  • 1. To report a complaint, please use the Complaint Form. Fill in the data on this page and describe the problem. Please send the completed form to reklamace@getberg.cz.
  • 2. In case of an urgent defect causing damage, or if there is an imminent threat of damage, contact your local emergency service by telephone. In case of such an accident, steps must be taken immediately to reduce any potential damage (by closing the main water shut-off valve, switching off the main circuit breaker in the electrical switchboard, closing the main gas shut-off valve, etc.). At the same time, the buyer is obliged to inform Getberg Real estate s.r.o., on the basis of the accounting document and a brief description in the Complaint Form (see point 1).
  • 3. In order to be able to monitor the course of complaints, please always divide complaints of various types on a separate form (eg one form for plumbing work, the second form for defects in windows and doors, etc.)
  • 4. In case of a complaint that does not contain all the data for the proper settlement of the complaint, the seller will ask the buyer to complete the necessary data. If the buyer does not provide the required information within the specified period, it is valid that he did not file a complaint.

Problems that typically require urgent repairs

  • 1. Electricity: If sparks and electrical shorts occur. Contact of electricity with water, gas or sewage.
  • 2. Water pipes: Cracked pipes or other damaged pipes, in which water flows out uncontrollably – (first close the main valve for water supply to the unit – is located in the inspection door in the bathroom or toilet, if there is damage that could be prevented by closing the main valve, the costs of removing the defects will be borne by the user). If there is a risk of contact with electricity, it is necessary to disconnect the electricity by turning off the main circuit breaker.
  • 3. Sewer pipes: If there is a risk of flooding of the unit, contact with electricity or gas. If there is a risk of contact with electricity, it is necessary to disconnect the electricity by turning off the main circuit breaker. If there is a risk of contact with the gas, it is necessary to disconnect the gas by closing the main gas shut-off valve.
  • 4. Heating: If the integrity of the line has been damaged and there is a risk of consequential damage or danger to health.



GETBERG a Situace s COVID-19

Dění kolem koronaviru nás zasáhlo všechny a GETBERG není výjimkou. Bereme vážně opatření nařízená vládou, v kancelářích máme k dispozici dezinfekci, ale z preventivních důvodů se s vámi nyní osobně nepotkáme. Veškeré požadavky a náležitosti však dokážeme vyřídit online, případně za vámi můžeme poslat řidiče, který dokumenty doveze k vám i zpět.

Prodej nemovitostí se nezastavil. Naopak věříme, že i v této době je investice do bydlení dobrou volbou, která navíc může přinést zajímavé příležitosti.

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